Additional Resources
North County CERT - A volunteer group benefitting the communities and empowering families and neighborhoods in times of need.
Fallbrook Public Utility District - One of two water departments in the District.
Rainbow Municipal Water District - One of two water departments in the District.
SD Tell Us Now App - Download the County of San Diego Tell Us Now app to report non-emergency problems like air quality, graffiti, abandoned vehicles, and other code concerns in the area of Fallbrook, Bonsall, and Rainbow.
Do you need a Smoke Alarm? - The Home Fire Campaign helps save lives by installing free smoke alarms in homes that don't have them, and by educating people about home fire safety.
Household Hazardous Waste - Locations and contacts for unincorporated area residents.
Evacuation Map - Up-to-date evacuation routes out of Fallbrook, Bonsall, Rainbow, and De Luz in the event of a wildfire.
Mapa De Evacuacion - Al día rutas de evacuación fuera de Fallbrook, Bonsall, Rainbow, y De Luz en caso de un incendio forestal.
Is it permitted to burn today? - The County of San Diego’s Air Pollution Control District daily burn decision. Please visit this before engaging in any type of agricultural burn.
Air Pollution Control District - The County of San Diego’s department that governs air quality and pollution.
Housing Complaints - The County of San Diego’s housing program is in place to ensure safe housing, such as rental units, in regulated areas of the County.
Food Complaints - The County of San Diego’s Department of Environmental Health allows reports of sanitation problems, fires, water outages, and sewage backups at restaurants and other food facilities within San Diego County.
Hazardous Materials Division - The County of San Diego’s department that governs Hazardous Materials and Waste Disposal.
How to look up a contractor. - The Department of Consumer Affairs Contractors State License Board has a free way to lookup a specific contractor to verify if their license is current. Hiring a licensed contractor is important in assuring work is done right!
Look up a property's information. - The County of San Diego Assessor has a way to lookup specific properties for additional information regarding the parcel.